That other time I wrote a Salty Bet bot.

That other time I wrote a Salty Bet bot.

This is long overdue, but I ended up re-writing my saltybet bot in Rust, see here.

Quoting from the history section:

    This is the third incarnation of this bot. The first was a JS snippet which
    would randomly bet on red or blue. The second was a bot written in Clojure
    and, using Elo as a heuristic for placing bets. This project is the third,
    and probably final for now, series in the saga.
    From running the bot for a while I've noticed there are highs and lows
    because of the betting strategy we use. In particular, we always place a
    bet if we can.  In reality, we should really avoid placing a bet if we're
    not certain of the outcome. The amount of money we place on a bet should
    probably also change, since we'll always try to bet 10% of our current
    If you care enough you can probably write a bot which performs much better.
    I used this project mostly as a way to learn a bit of Rust.