My productivity app is 2 text files and a wiki

My productivity app is 2 text files and a wiki


The stuff I'm working on right now. Can be deleted, or appended to if I want to save it for later.


Daily entries about what I did and what I want to do. The syntax I use is:


* thing I did
- thing I wanted to do yesterday


* thing I did

Easy enough to add an entry in Vim, either use

:r!date -I
or copy the previous day's entry and use
on the day.

a wiki

I save whatever long-form notes on the corporate wiki, but for personal stuff I have a dokuwiki instance. This (I hope) helps my notes be discoverable but is usually not super useful to anyone other than me.

What I did previously

Strategies I used in the past:

So now I sorta have the best of all worlds,